Metadata API to see the device info for the KMC.BAC-121036CE device It's ID right now in Metadata is: 598cb184e4b0c393ed53d9b4 (you would have a different ID when you start yours) Note the Profile and it's commands in the response - especially the command for GET CurrentTemperature "path": "/api/v1/device/{deviceId}/CurrentTemperature", This is the path on the device service (the Virtual Device micro service) for that command So we can invoke it with a GET request (again your device and command IDs will be different) and we get back the current temperature from that device { "AnalogInput_3000290": "-16.25" } Now let's call on the Command micro service to see the commands for the same device Note the commands now in this list - especially the command for GET CurrentTemperature "url": "", This is the path for the command through Command micro service So we can invoke it and we get back the response from Command {"AnalogInput_3000290":"-16.25"} What we saw was Command talked to the Device Service that then talked to the device that responded back up