Delivery:  ~ October 2018

The Delhi release is slated to provide the first system management capabilities while also implementing additional features in the security.  Delhi will continue to show improvements in performance by offering Device Service SDKs in Go and C.  Improved testing at all levels (unit, blackbox, performance, etc.) to ensure the quality of the system going forward while also providing a means to check backward compatibility.  Finally, this release will include design and implementation plans (scheduled for Edinburgh release and beyond) for the replacement of MongoDB as the reference implementation database, and a replacement to the export services to allow for better scale and flexibility at the northbound layer.  the scope of this release is smaller given the development cycle for the prior California release was made longer to accommodate all the Go Lang refactoring.

Release Themes and Objectives

General Tasks and Notes

Core & Supporting Services Tasks and Notes

Device Services and SDK Tasks and Notes

Security Tasks and Notes

System Management Tasks and Notes


Target Performance

Stretch Goals for the Release

Items for consideration

These items are suggestion for Delhi or later releases that have not yet been fully vetted or voted on by the TSC, but will be reviewed as part of an upcoming meeting.  Items in this list may be moved to the roadmap for other releases or discarded entirely.