Location: SC-12/Intel, 3600 Juliette Ln, Santa Clara, CA 95054

Attendees:  Jim Wang, Bryon Nevis, Jim White,  Doug Gardner (remote) Tingyu Zeng, and Malini Bhandaru.

Host: Jim Wang yutsung.jim.wang@intel.com

Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/recording/share/R9lPtU2l3ILhnPEqYClIOqUVQPH8cProuLmXCKKqbm2wIumekTziMw


1) PKI Initialization  - Status, Code Review, Testing - Jim Wang

2) Hardware Security - Bryon Nevis + Jim Wang

  1. High level design, 
  2. Architecture
  3. development status, items still needing completion
  4. Testing  methodology and how-to (hardware requirements or TPM SW emulator ..)

3) Threat Modeling - Tingyu

4) Opens - Security Vulnerability Handling, Linters in CI pipeline 

Time Permitting: Any other topics, please specify.

Visa Letter Request Process: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/visa-request/

Recommended Airport: Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport, 1701 Airport Blvd. San Jose, CA 95110

                                           Other possible Airports are SFO, San Francisco airport and OAK, Oakland Airport with further distances,.

                                           Please check Google maps for details relative to your travel plans.

Distance from AirportApproximately 4.5 miles

Recommended Area Hotel(s): Marriot (Walking distance), Biltmore (across the road on Montague, walk), Hilton (closer to Dell offices, car)

Transportation Options: Self driving, Taxi, Uber, or Lyft