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EdgeX Foundry is a work in progress.  Participation in and contributions to the project are gladly welcome.  The page contains features, clean up and project direction as viewed by its original creators.  As the EdgeX Foundry community establishes itself, look for more formal project direction to be specified in these pages.


This section is reserved for the EdgeX Foundry project priorities as determined by the project leadership.  It will serve as guiding instructions to contributors at all levels of the project.

Clean Up

The following list constitutes known deficiencies and items for clean up within the EdgeX Foundry code base.  This is not a bug list, but a list of more general design flaws, systemic implementation issues, coding practices, etc.

Additional Feature Needs

Additional Microservice/Subsystem Required

Educational Assistance

Address Real Time/Near Real Time

Address Additional Business Needs

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Site Navigation: Technical Documentation Introduction to EdgeX Foundry EdgeX Foundry Microservices Architecture | API Reference Definitions   

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