This is a policy was approved by the EdgeX TSC on 7/26/19 by email and modified with approval of TSC on 7/31/19 .

Github Organizations

EdgeX Foundry is an open project with all of its code, documentation and other artifacts stored primarily in Github.  Specifically, there are two Github organizations that hold EdgeX related artifacts:

Github Repository Creation and Owners

New EdgeX repositories can be created in either Github organization.

Github Repository Ownership Changes

The owner of a repository in edgexfoundry or edgexfoundry-holding occurs with WG Chair transfer.  As a new chairperson is voted in or named by the TSC, the repositories formerly owned by the previous chair automatically transfer to the new chair unless the TSC votes by majority to transfer the ownership to an alternate chairperson.

Repository Access Rights

WG Chairs (and owners of the repositories) may request committer or maintainer rights by nominating and getting the approval of at least two TSC members per the,Committers&Maintainers-NominationandApprovalofMaintainersandCommitters policy.

With the approval of two TSC members, a request to access rights must be submitted by the repository owner through and must provide the github IDs for the new committers/maintainers and a reference to the TSC vote approving their access.