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The EdgeX Technical Steering Committee has established a bi-annual release roadmap that demonstrates a long-term strategy to provide a product-quality open source foundation for interoperable commercial differentiation.  Refer to the each page for target functionality in each release.  As with any software project features are implemented based on priority and available bandwidth.  It is the goal of the TSC to plan key themes out at least 12 months in advance and to slot key features to be delivered in a given release 6 months out. 

'Barcelona': October 2017

'California': ~June 2018

(TBD): ~December 2018

And so forth...

We gladly welcome the community to help shape the overall roadmap through participation in the working groups and making code contributions to the project. 

Overall EdgeX Foundry Project Vision

Below are general notes on overall EdgeX project needs and vision.  This list will evolve over time and specific features will be slotted into the official roadmap by the TSC based on priority to enable commercial Industrial IoT deployments with a stable, product-quality foundation and scale over time into new real-time fog computing use cases.  This list should serve as guiding instructions to contributors at all levels of the project and we welcome experimentation on future needs in addition to contributions to the primary project roadmap.

General Code Clean Up

The following list constitutes known deficiencies and items for ongoing clean up within the EdgeX Foundry code base.  This is not a bug list, but a list of more general design flaws, systemic implementation issues, coding practices, etc.

Additional Feature Needs

Quality Assurance Procedures

Additional Microservice/Subsystem Required

Educational Assistance

Address Real Time/Near Real Time

Address Additional Business Needs

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