
We started EdgeX Foundry evangelism from the mid of 2018. Overall, the activities could be categorized to online webinars and offline events.

Offline events

EdgeX Foundry meetups started from June 2018. In 2018 we held two events, once half a year. In 2019, the frequency was increased to quarterly. In addition to that, we co-held some special meetup focused on certain specific industry case.




  1. Jul-Oct: EdgeX Challenge Shanghai 2020; co-hosted by LF Edge and STCSM. http://edgexchallenge.shanghaimakers.com/
  2. Aug 14-15: deliver breakout session on EdgeX at GIAC Shenzhen 2020

Online webinars

Online webinars started from the beginning of 2019. We mostly kept bimonthly cadence in 2019, and delivered six sessions in the full year. The last session is planned on Nov 29, 2019.