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EdgeX testing is focused on ensuring that the functional aspects of EdgeX work correctly. This level of testing includes a number of automated test suites for unit, integration, black-box, API testing and validation. Also, Edgex EdgeX has been tested on TAF, which stands for Test Automation Framework. To monitor the stability and efficiency of Edgex, a Jenkins pipeline has been built to automatically trigger daily and weekly jobs. The testing processes are listed below. 

PR merge validation

When developers make changes to Edgex EdgeX and open a PRPRs, they have to go through unit test to check if it's fit to use before merging into main branch.use.

The service  After merging into the main branch, Service will build images on dockerhub and snap to to validate its usage.

  • Go modules(Github)
    • Unit test
  • Service(Github????)
  • edgex-compose(move to smoke-test section ????)
    • smoke test by TAF


  • Purpose: Test each feature of Edgex EdgeX by providing the appropriate input and validating the output against the requirements.
  • Frequency: Daily scheduled run on edgex-taf-pipeline
titleHow to run functional-test on local?


  • Purpose: Check data communication among different software modules.
  • Frequency: Daily scheduled run on edgex-taf-pipelines
titleHow to run integration-test on local?


  • Purpose: Monitor memory usage/ startup time/ CPU usage/ response time/ event exported time of EdgexEdgeX
  • Frequency: Weekly scheduled run on edgex-taf-pipelines
  • Note: When a new version of Edgex EdgeX is released, we will run performance - tests manually on real hardware and x86_64 and arm64 machine to update the reports for each release in in here.
titleHow to run performance-test on local?


Purpose: Smoke tests are tests selected by developers. They will select the tests that validate the most important features of EdgeX and run the smoke tests to check if it's good to go.

Frequency: Only when edgex-compose PR is opened will smoke-test start running.

Where is somke
titleHow to run smoke-test on local?

First, where is smoke-test?


In this example, only does ProfileGET001 - Query all device profiles have SmokeTest tag so smoke-test will run on this testcase only. 
