Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Table of Contents

Welcome!  We really hope you are here because you are seriously thinking about adding to the EdgeX Foundry IoT platform.  We can't wait to receive your contribution!  Before you make your first submission, this page has the pages in this part of the Wiki have been set up to help guide you through some information you need to know before working on and contributing code to the EdgeX project.toc

Code Style Guides

The EdgeX project technical community has adopted the Google Style Guides for all programming languages.  As most of the EdgeX code is in Java today, you will find the Java guide helpful: using Eclipse as your IDE, you will find the Eclipse style guide configuration file at and instructions for how to setup Eclipse to use it here: The EdgeX project does use checkstyles during the build process.  So code that does not conform to the style guide will result in a request by the project to address issues before being accepted.

Go Lang Code Style Guides

For style, the projects asks all Go Lang developers to use 'gofmt' prior to committing any code to ensure the style guide is always followed.  Developers are also encouraged to use 'go vet', which is a static code analyzer that can catch unused code, common mistakes, etc.

While also not required, EdgeX Go Lang developers are encouraged to read (and re-read) Effective Go.  This web site can help improve the quality, consistency and style of your Go code.

Some important conventions already provided in the guidelines and reading material include:

  • Regular file names are lower case, short, and without any sort of underscore or space. Generally, file names follow the same convention as package names. See the Package Names section of Effective Go.
  • File names that begin with "." or "_" are ignored by the go tool
  • Files with the suffix _test.go are only compiled and run by the go test tool.
  • Files with os and architecture specific suffixes automatically follow those same constraints, e.g.  name_linux.go will only build on linux, name_amd64.go will only build on amd64.

C Code Style Guides

All code should comply with either the C99 or C11 versions of the C language specification.

Line Feeds

Line endings in code files are different for *nix versus Windows.  In *nix, lines end with “\n”.  In Windows, lines end with “\r\n” (carriage return, line feed).  This creates issues when pulling/working with code created in different environments.


As a potential contributor of code to the project, you are highly encouraged to read the Project Technical Charter and in particular note section 12 - Intellectual Property Policy.  Contributors are advised to understand that submitting code to the project indicates you agree with the the Developer Certificate of Origin. See the Committing Code Code Guidelines for details on how to sign your code contributions to indicate your agreement with the DCO. See for a description of how the Linux kernel implements its DCO.

You can add the DCO signoff to your Git commit by adding the --signoff flag to your git command.

If you've already committed your code to your local branch without the DCO signoff, you can add it with the following commands:

git reset --soft HEAD^
git commit --signoff -m "<your original commit message>"

If you've already pushed your code branch to Github and created a pull request, you will need to forcibly override that branch:

git push --force <your remote> <your branch>

Submission License and Copyrights


Code Block
titleExample Project Artifact Header
 * Copyright 2016-2017 Dell Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

Code Styles and Checkstyles

The EdgeX project has adopted the Google Style Guides ( for use in all EdgeX coding.

In support, of keeping the styles applied to projects, developers are encouraged to use the tools at their disposal to apply the styles to their code and to address issues before checking code into the project’s repositories.

Any new Java repositories should use the elements (highlighted in RED) below in their project pom.xml to apply the Maven Checkstyle Plugin – as most of the current code is in Java at this time these elements are already added to existing Java repository poms.  Please note that this checkstyle will produce warnings in the console and a file, but will only fail the build in the result of a violation ERROR.  The check can be skipped in development by changing the <skip> to true.





Bug Tracking

EdgeX uses GitHub Issues to submit and track bugs. 


This is a great way to contribute. Before reporting an issue, please review current open issues to see if there are any matches.  To see the current list of EdgeX issues, go to the project's GitHub site and click on the Issue link at the top of the page.

Image ModifiedHow to Report an Issue

In the GitHub repository, anyone can create a new issue for any of the project's repositories - no sign in is required!  Locate the repository you believe contains the bug.  Then click on the Issues tab of the repository, and then click on the green "New Issue" button to create and submit a new bug.

Image Modified

When reporting an issue, please provide as much detail as possible about how to reproduce it.  Details are key, please include the following:


If you would like, you could also bring up the issue on RocketChat the main GitHub discussion boards for initial feedback before submitting the issue in GitHub Issues .


Code Styles and



The EdgeX has adopted a significance-based approach to versioning.  This versus a semantic versioning approach (see reference #1 below).

Instead of tightly coupling the version number updates to changes in the REST API(s) exposed by a microservice, EdgeX updates the version number when there has been a significance in the microservice as a whole. Similar to the semantic version scheme, the significance of change scheme also uses a three-part version with numbers representing major, minor, and patch changes.  The latter can be left off until actually needed.

A microservice starts its life as version 0.1, and each new release bumps the second number.  The move from 0.x to 1.x in EdgeX signifies that the microservice is transitioning from a development to a production quality release.  The decision to make the transition to a production release rests with the responsible Working Group chair with approval from the EdgeX Technical Steering Committee. Further jumps in the major number typically indicate major new releases of the project which *could* signify API breakage, but could also signify major new functionality as well.

If/when a maintenance release of a particular microservice is warranted, a third number gets introduced.  So, if 0.5 is released, and a serious bug is found and fixed immediately, 0.5.1 could be released right away, while development continues as normal on master toward 0.6.  For example, you can see the historical version numbers used by the bluez project (Linux Bluetooth stack) (see reference #2 below) are just major.minor, as they usually rely on distros to release maintenance releases.  An example of a project that uses three-digit versions is snapd (see reference #3 below), the daemon at the heart of the snap ecosystem.



project has adopted the Google Style Guides ( for use in all EdgeX coding.

In support, of keeping the styles applied to projects, developers are encouraged to use the tools at their disposal to apply the styles to their code and to address issues before checking code into the project’s repositories.[3]